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CHINA: Geological explorations near Jianshanxia village
Written by Laszlo, 26 March 2021
On the 21st March 2021, the Chovan Science Class carried on with outdoor education and geological explorations in Zhejiang Province (浙江). This time, we did not leave the Xiaoshan District (萧山) and travelled near to Jianshanxia village (尖山下村) - part of Dai village (戴昆) - which is about an hour drive south from the central parts of Hangzhou (杭州). The area of the village is surrounded by steep hillsides that are covered with lush vegetation, mostly bamboo. The hills are mainly composed of igneous rocks, which was the main idea behind visiting this place and carry out our geological observation. Higher up in the mountains, we also hiked up to the Xiangtianling Reservoir (响天岭水库), which collects rain water for irrigational purposes. The dam, which is 25 m high with a width of 78 m, was built in 1969.
In this blog, there are photos of the kids, the group, the reservoir area, and areal shots of the windy road that goes up to the reservoir.