> GDPR <
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General Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies from 25 May 2018.
We would like to assure all of our visitors that the pages on this website are secure and they are not collecting or recording data. The website uses some cookies that are necessary to make the website functional and make it look nice. Advertising and re-targeting cookies have never been used on our website. We do not advertise on our website. This website is hosted by Squarespace.
The Shop
We sell a few things irregularly, but we do not actually have an online shop. If you order anything from us, it has to be made via e-mail or social media messaging system (such as Messenger). The details that you share with us is securely handled. We take as little data as possible and we only use specialist software where data is protected with a number of unique passwords and it is also encrypted.
Frugeo GRI online shop
When a purchase is made on Frugeo's website, the payment is processed through PayPal which is highly secured and will store as much details in an encrypted database as you provide to us. The data in this case is collected with PayPal. We do not store (and never have stored) any sensitive information such as card details, date of births or passwords. During the donation or purchase, we only collect your name of your choice, the address where you would like your order to be delivered, and contact details that you provide us - but we will only keep your e-mail address to confirm your purchase and to get in touch with you if something goes wrong. We do not run newsletters, therefore your e-mail address will not be subscribed with us. We use the data provided to generate invoices which is then stored in a password-protected and encrypted system online and in a password-protected and encrypted Excel file offline. Frugeo GRI may keep your data for at least 10 years.
When a donation is made on this website, the payment is processed through PayPal (and Squarespace) which is highly secured and will store as many details in an encrypted database as you provide to us. The data in this case is collected with PayPal, but we do not keep or store any of your details.
If you want to get in touch, our primary e-mail address is hello@thesignhunters.co.uk