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ENGLAND: Birmingham in details: The City Centre

Written by Laszlo, 23 February 2019

I have been planning for a long time to get my photos of Birmingham organised. But the problem with it is similar to choosing the best shots of any large urban construction: how to present them nicely and make them represent certain areas of a well-known city? The other thing is the time factor. Should the old and new ones be mixed or separated? I think I have finally come up with a solution...

I have decided to focus on certain districts, so this is now then the first part of the planned 'Birmingham in details' series and these are photos of the best known part of the second largest city of the United Kingdom: the city centre area.

Instead of mixing the photos, I have decided to keep certain collections within the time and order as they were actually taken (2014 and 2018). This also means that this post will be an on-going project and will be kept updated with new (and even old) photos time after time. Have a look what I have got so far!