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ENGLAND: Along the canal from Coven-Cross Green to Wolverhampton centre
Written by Laszlo, 18 October 2018
Today, I have visited HMP Brinsford near Wolverhampton which recalled a lot of great memories from a couple of years ago when I was a trainee maths teacher at HMP Birmingham. A prison is an ultimate weird environment, but there is something really special and rewarding about changing the lives of some lost spirits who did something wrong in their lives. Once I was 'released', I walked from Cross Green (Coven) back to Wolverhampton city centre along the canal - what an awesome walk and a fascinating day!
For obvious reasons, I could not take my photo camera today, but my phone captured some good moments. I saw a lot of water, a lot of green, a lot of narrow boats, many people, several dogs, and, as I was approaching Wolves town centre, more and more graffiti - which are my personal favourites on an urban exploration. Oh! and many many bridges and canal locks. I have even captured a pretty cool panorama shot of the bridge siblings at Oxley.
I still owe this photo blog collection a post about Wolverhampton and a deeper, more detailed post about canals, so expect more photos and blogs from me in the near future. Meanwhile, redo today's walk with me through my photos. Enjoy!